Written Delegations for 77 East Street Application
2266 Lakeshore LP, 2262 – 2266 Lakeshore Road West and 83 East Street , File No. OPA.1728.66 and Z.1728.66
Statutory Meeting: October 4th, 2021 Agenda Item 6.1
We encourage community participation by submitting written delegations to Mayor Burton and members of council.
The community can also register to delegation orally before council on Octobber 4th, 2021 at the statutory meeting. Registration is required by October 4, 2021 @ noon by emailing the townclerk@oakville.ca. We encourage public registration by October 1st, 2021 to ensure you are on the delegation list.
We have provided form delegations that will be submitted on your behalf with your consent to assist the community participate in this process. We have also provided templates that can be downloaded to frame the written delegations in your own words.
1) Written Delegation
Magnitude of the development proposal
Change to the character of Bronte Village & quality of life for surrounding community
Non-conformance to Livable Oakville Plan & Zoning By-laws
# of Storeys, Height, Shadowing, Traffic, Parking, Excavation, Construction
The developer seeks 15 storeys and 50.5m in height 237% more than the maximum allowed height of 15m. This creates negative shadowing effects to the west and south affecting 88 vulnerable seniors at OSCR and longstanding residents at the Lighthouse. It also impedes privacy and blocks village views and connections to the surrounding area affecting the quality of life.
Bronte Village is a historic area and Lakeshore Road is a historic route. Growth should support these precepts and maintain the unique character of Bronte Village and aid revitalization that is reasonable and safe for the community.
2) Written Delegation
Safety: Line of Sight for Parking Access & Traffic
Oakville`s vision through the Active Transportation Master Plan is applied by “ensuring that every street accommodates pedestrians and cyclists.¨ Safety for pedestrians and cyclists is impacted by increased traffic and setback of less than 3m along East Street from the sidewalk diminishes sightlines even with an urban square.
3) Written Delegation
The developer seeks 20% reduction in the minimum parking requirement for an area already impacted by inadequate parking and predatory towing.

Bronte Village Residents Association
PO Box 65007
HopeDale Mall Postal Office
Oakville, ON L6L 6R4
Website & Email