Lake & East Update - OMB Challenge Withdrawn
Posted July 23, 2017
Lake & East Condo development proposal has now been withdrawn by the applicant. More details.
BVRA Hosts 3 Town Hall Meetings
Posted October 28, 2016
The BVRA hosted 3 town hall meetings at Lighthouse, Ennisclaire and Bronte Legion to update the community on the latest information regarding the condo proposal, OMB Appeal and OMB Review. Great conversations, ideas and questions were shared as we help facilitate the community's voice regarding this development and in regard to the condo proposal and Bronte Village Area Growth Review.
View Slide Presentation
Upcoming key meetings and dates:
OMB Review meeting at Town Hall - November 3, 2016
Pre-Hearing Meeting - December 12, 2016
Pre-hearing/OMB 101 Workshop - November 21, 2016
OMB Appeal Prep - Jan 2017
OMB Appeal - Mar/Apr 2017
Council Denies 20 Storey Proposal
Posted August 18 2016
After a unanimous decision by council May 17, 2016 to deny the 20 storey condominium proposal, the developer has filed an appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).
A pre-consultation meeting open to the public will take place in the fall with appeal going ahead in 2017.
See attachment for additional details.
Statutory Public Meeting March 21, 2016 regarding the development application by Symgine (at Lakeshore Road West and 83 East Street, formerly the Hasty Market).
Posted February 4, 2016
The meeting is hosted by the Planning and Development Council to discuss the amendment to the Official Plan to change the existing land use designation. Your input is requested. Invitation
Public Information Meeting January 27th, 2016 for Site Proposal for 2226 Lakeshore Road West & 83 East Street
Posted February 4, 2016
The Town of Oakville through the Planning Department hosted a Public Information Meeting on January 27th, 2016 at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, concerning the proposal of a 20 storey condominium for 2226 Lakeshore Road West and 83 East Street.
Charles McConnell, manager of the planning department, outlined the process followed by brief presentations by both the property owner and the developer speaking to the site proposal as a whole and specifics for the rationale of the condominium design, height and other attributes of interest to the community. The remainder of the open house was dedicated to a formal question and answer period to gain direct feedback on the proposal as outlined, with the architect and traffic study consultant also on hand to address the crowd. The meeting was well attended with approximately 100 people present.
Some questions or issues that emerged during the evening:
Lack of adherence to current zoning and by-laws regarding height and setbacks especially after using tax dollars to conduct several studies or reviews to support the existing zoning and by-laws
The design and height of the condominium that appears to detract from the "village charm and allure" of the area
Current state of infrastructure needs not yet being addressed (roads, traffic, speeding, pedestrian safety) while entertaining the addition of 144 more units through this construction
Increased traffic flow leading to congestion and associated air and noise pollution
Parking concerns for residents in the immediate area
Impact to quality of living and safety for residents of surrounding condominium and the Oakville Seniors Centre with concerns regarding vibration, noise and air pollution during construction and residual impediment to natural lighting and views upon completion for the proposed height of 20 storeys
Duration and construction hours for the proposed condominium between 7:00am and 7:00pm on week days including but not limited to effects of vibration and impeded access
Concerns about the future traffic flow projections in the site proposal information supplied to the public which includes an appendix with a baseline of traffic flow data from the Town of Oakville that back dates to 2013
Risks associated with high rise condominiums in particular for emergency medical access as noted by a study by the Canadian Medical Association Journal conducted between 2008 and 2012.
A few residents commented on positive interest for the concept design of the condominium while the majority felt the design and height would be more appropriate for downtown Oakville or in a more urbanized area such at Toronto.
The Town of Oakville has mentioned that the property owner and developer satisfied submission requirements for site proposal which was subsequently deemed complete on December 8th, 2015 after which under current legislation, council is required to provide a decision to approve and deny this proposal within 180 days or by June 6th, 2016.
One of the Town's draft planning directions (#3 in this document) is part of the Bronte Village Growth Area Review process, and proposes to increase bonusing to a maximum of 10 storeys from the current maximum of 8 storeys. Your feedback through the BVRA's online survey on this planning direction in context to the site proposal, and indeed on all the planning directions, is essential and will help support the basis of the BVRA's Letter of Comment for the Bronte Village Area Growth Review to the Town of Oakville by the deadline of February 12th, 2016.
We are providing a link to a comments page provided by the Town of Oakville to submit feedback directly to the town through Melissa Dalrymple, 905-845-6601, ext. 3297 email: melissa.dalrymple@oakville.ca and ask that you copy the Bronte Village Residents Association brontevillageresidents@gmail.com in your email communications.
We are also including a link to an article published on January 30th, 2016 through insideHalton.com concerning the proposed condominium development.
The BVRA continues to work closely with the community regarding this site proposal and looks forward to your feedback and comments by email at brontevillagresidents@gmail.com. We will continue to post updates on the site proposal on our current issues page through our website. We have also dedicated a page for the Bronte Village Growth Area Review, with all links and updates in one place. Finally, please remember to complete our online survey.
Ana Hourahine
Bronte Village Residents Association

Notice of Compete Application - 2226 Lakeshore Road West and 83 East Street
Posted December 27, 2015
The effect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment is to allow the development of a 20 storey mixed use building, containing 144 residential units with retail and service commercial uses at grade and mezzanine levels.
The notice was mailed out to residents within 120m of the site on December 22, 2015.
If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendment, or of the refusal of the request to amend the official plan, you must make a written request to the Town Clerk at the Town of Oakville, Clerk’s department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON
L6H 0H3.
All queries or comments on this application must be directed to Melissa Dalrymple, 905-845-6601, ext. 3297 email: melissa.dalrymple@oakville.ca Please copy the BVRA (brontevillageresidents@gmail.com) in your communication.