Bronte Village Growth Area
Posted December 27, 2015
On September 28, 2015, the BVRA attended a meeting at Town Hall on behalf of the community to engage the planning department and Ward 1 Councillors on the Bronte Growth Review process, the development process through site applications and timelines and specific questions regarding both in relation to Ward 1. The report raises a number of questions and issues brought to our attention by members and residents over the course of the year.
Minutes from the September 28, 2015 meeting are attached.
Bronte is one of six growth areas in Oakville and we would like to ensure that as members you are aware of the process, how you can engage on the Town of Oakville's website and where to find the planning directions that will be presented before council for approval. You can sign-up for updates on the Bronte Growth Review. We will also be providing updates as they are released through planning services.
Latest Update
We have received an update from the Planning Dept. of the Town of Oakville indicating that the deadline to provide comments on the planning directions to council regarding the Bronte Growth Review is January 4th, 2016.
We are particularly concerned that an open and transparent process through public notification and engagement is negatively impacted by the deadline of January 4th, 2016 which is placed ahead of a number of key milestones critical to the process as a whole. Full details attached.
Posted May 23, 2015
Bronte Village is one of the sixth growth areas as identified in the Livable Oakville Plan.
What is the Bronte Village Growth Area Review
Bronte is one of six growth areas in Oakville and the deadline for comments regarding the Bronte Village Growth Review is coming up on February 12, 2016. The BVRA would like to ensure that you, as members and residents in the community, are aware of the process, and have an opportunity to voice your feedback. You can engage on the Town of Oakville's website; where you will also find the planning directions that will be presented before council for approval. You can sign-up for updates on the Bronte Growth Area Review.
The Livable Oakville Plan review is in the xxx stage and you can still participate and obtain more information here
The Regional Halton Review is currently in the phase and more information can be accessed here