Oakville Town-wide Official Plan Review
The Official Plan Review is a process that is undertaken every 5 years to review the official plans that guide development in Oakville. There are three main plans; the Livable Oakville Plan (LOP), the North Oakville East Secondary Plan and the North Oakville West Secondary Plan. There are four main areas of context to note with the review process; Conformity Reviews, Commercial and Employment Lands, Growth Management and North Oakville.
Within the Growth Management Review, we bring special attention to the following studies of which we encourage public input:
The Residential Policy Review
The Residential Policy Review is of particular importance with the current rate of infill development in stable residential neighbourhoods. We will follow this review and provide updates. You can also sign up for email updates from the Town of Oakville.
Regional Official Plan Review (ROPR)

The Region of Halton is reviewing its policies as part of a top-down mechanism which started with Provincial Policies Reviews and is mandated by the Planning Act to occur every 5 years. Phase 2 of ROPR is still winding down and there are 6 discussion papers where the public can provide input:
ROPR: North Aldershot
ROPR: Burlington Growth Centre & Major Transit Station Area
Please review the discussion paper for Integrated Growth Management Strategy which ties into Lands Needs Assessment and the Regional Urban Structure. These policies cascade down to the municipal level of the Oakville Official Plan Review.
Phase 3 of ROPR has begun and will focus on 3 key outcomes as a result of input from the discussion areas above:
Policy Directions
Regional Official Plan (ROP) Amendment
Adoption of the ROP
The Region of Halton is currently seeking input on Growth Concepts
The Region of Halton has prepared a Discussion Paper that presents four Growth Concepts for where and how Halton will grow to 2051. By planning for the future, we can ensure Halton remains a great place to live as our community continues to grow. Halton Region wants public input on the 4 growth concepts projected to 2051.
To get involved and have your say, please visit the website to:
take the short questionnaire by May 28, 2021;
learn more about the Growth Concepts;
join a virtual Public Information Centre (PIC);
Oakville., May 13th, 2021 at 7 pm
Region-wide., June 29th, 2021 at 7 pm
email ropr@halton.ca with questions or comments;
the deadline for public input is July 15th, 2021
Draft Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 48 – An Amendment to Define a Regional Urban Structure
ROPA 48 helps define and provide direction on urban structure, such as Urban Growth Centres, Major Transit Station Area, Regional Nodes and employment areas. It is the first amendment to be considered by Regional Council as part of the Regional Official Plan Review.
To learn more about ROPA 48 and proposed policy and mapping updates:
visit our ROPA 48 webpage;
review the full document submitted to Regional Council: Attachment #1 to LPS17-21 – Proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment 48 - An Amendment to Define a Regional Urban Structure; or
view the Regional Council Meeting Minutes on the Region’s website.
ROPA 48: How to get involved
Join a virtual PIC for the Growth Concepts, which will touch on ROPA 48.
Email ropr@halton.ca with your questions and comments.
Make a written submission to Regional Council concerning the ROPA 48 adoption by emailing the Regional Clerk (regionalclerk@halton.ca) and copying the Project Team (ropr@halton.ca).
Check the Region’s website in the coming weeks to learn more about these opportunities and other ways that you can get involved and provide input, including statutory public meetings.
“What We Heard” Initial Consultation Summary
The Consultation Summary report provides a high-level overview of the feedback received on the Discussion Papers released for comment during the consultation period that ran from July to December 2020.
We want to hear from you!
Your input on the Consultation Summary report will help ensure our final recommendations capture all the feedback we’ve received to date.
Read the report.
To learn more about the Regional Official Plan Review process and submit comments or questions:
visit halton.ca/ropr;
email ropr@halton.ca; or
call 311 and ask to connect with a member of the project team.