Bronte Village Residents Association is an incorporated not-for-profit organization founded in 2003 to:
• Protect Bronte’s character, charm, and waterfront,
• Service the needs and issues of Bronte and Ward 1 residents while honouring our heritage, and
• Foster community spirit
This statement pertains to the Bronte Village Residents Association (BVRA), its website www.brontevillageresidents.com and all forms of communication and social media utilized by the association.
The standing BVRA executive is responsible for the protection of the personal information of its members which includes compliance with all ten principles contained within Schedule 1 of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2011 (PIPEDA). For the year 2020/21, the designated executive member responsible for compliance with policies and procedures is Shelley Thornborrow, President and can be contacted through:
PO Box 65007
Hopedale Mall Postal Office
Oakville, ON L6L 6R4
BVRA safeguards and uses personal information consistent with the objectives of the association. We do not share the personal information of our members with marketers and third parties and comply with the Privacy Act 1983 and PIPEDA 2011. We collect personal and demographic information to:
• confirm your registration and maintain our member database,
• assist with servicing member issues and needs in the context of the association, and
• plan for membership outreach and community events.
We obtain informed consent through the membership application for the purposes and use
consistent with the objectives of the association. Our fiscal period runs from April 1st to March
31st of each year and we review the accuracy and completeness of the information within 90 days
of the new fiscal period. We seek consent when a new use for personal information consistent
with BVRA objectives has been identified. We require written notification for withdrawal of
membership and deletion of personal information from our records.
Members have the option to opt-out of email notifications by replying to our email address with the subject line “Optout”.
The collection of personal and demographic information is limited to establishing membership
and for the use and purpose consistent with the objectives of the association. Our process
regarding the collection of personal information is transparent, fair, and lawful.
BVRA safeguards and uses personal information consistent with the objectives of the
association. We do not share the personal information of our members with marketers and
third parties and comply with the Privacy Act 1983 and Personal Information Protection and
Electronic Documents Act 2011 (PIPEDA). We shall maintain reasonable and systematic
controls and practices for the protection of personal information. Record retention, which
shall include minimum and maximum retention periods, and destruction shall apply to
personal information. Information that is no longer necessary or relevant for the identified
purposes for which it was collected shall be destroyed.
BVRA maintains safeguards to ensure all personal information we collect, and use is kept as
accurate, complete, and up to date as necessary for the purpose for which it is to be used.
However, we rely on you to disclose all material information to us and to inform us of any
errors or changes in such information.
BVRA shall protect personal information from loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure,
copying, use, modification, or destruction through appropriate security measures. We shall
protect all personal information regardless of the format in which it is held. The methods of
protection should include:
• Physical security, such as locked filing cabinets and restricted access,
• Organizational security, such as limiting access to the BVRA executive, and
• Technological security, such as the use of passwords, anti-virus protection and firewalls.
The executive members of the BVRA are aware of the importance of maintaining the
confidentiality of personal information and review security measures annually.
Policies and practices for the management of personal information will be maintained and
made readily available through our website at www.brontevillageresidents.com.
Upon request, a member shall be informed of the existence, use, disclosure of his or her
personal information in BVRA’s possession and shall be given access to that information. A
member shall be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have
it amended where necessary. To safeguard personal information, a member may be required
to provide sufficient information to facilitate proper identification to assure BVRA is providing
information with respect to the existence, use and disclosure of personal information and
authorizing access to a member’s file to the right member. Any information provided for
identification purposes shall only be used for such purposes.
BVRA does not share personal information provided upon registration, through our website or
other forms of online communication. The content of our website is informational and
intended to advance community interests. All online images are either the intellectual
property of the association or used with express permission.
Online Disclaimer
We do not endorse, promote, or accept any possible risk or liability associated with online
advertising, sponsorship or links to other websites and information on our website.